The Ukrainian delegation participates in the 67th session of theOrganisation of  United Nations Commission on the Status of Women: consider innovations and technologies to achieve gender equality

The Ukrainian delegation takes part in the 67th session of the Organisation of United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, held in New York from March 6 to 17

The UN Commission on the Status of Women is a United Nations body that works on gender equality and women's rights. Their main goal is to secure the rights of women and girls around the world, advance gender equality and reduce gender discrimination.

The UN Commission on the Status of Women includes experts from different countries who are engaged in the study and analysis of the state of women's rights in the world. In addition, the Commission develops recommendations for UN member states to strengthen women's rights and protect them.

The theme of this year's event is "Innovation and Technological Change, Education in the Digital Sphere for Gender Equality and Empoverment of All Women and Girls rights and opportunities".

The Ukrainian delegation was led by high-ranking officials, including the Vice-Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Olga Stefanishyna and the Government Commissioner for Gender Policy Kateryna Levchenko.

Participants discuss issues such as innovative solutions for entrepreneurship, gender-focused economic recovery, and combating gender-based violence and discrimination online.


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